
Terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS

CAL – Calvert Elementary

Originally built in 1939, in order to avoid confusion with the Adventist elementary school called “College View Academy,” the name of Lincoln Public Schools’ “College View Elementary School” was changed to “Calvert” in 1958. (At almost the same time the College View Academy changed its name to Helen Hyatt Elementary School.)

Calvert School reflects the name of a nearby street, which in tum was apparently named for T. E. Calvert, a Lincoln resident in the 1880s who was General Superintendent and Chief Engineer of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad.

One of the more notable alumni of Calvert Elementary is Richard “Dick” Cheney, who served as a 5-time U.S. Congressman from Wyoming, House Minority Whip, White House Chief of Staff, U.S. Secretary of Defense, and the 46th Vice President of the United States.