Policies & Practices

The following are the practices and policies that are utilized across all classes at Lincoln Northeast High School.

Grading Philosophy

At Lincoln Northeast, the purpose of grades and grading is: to assess achievement and communicate the level at which students are meeting learning objectives.

Definition and Purpose of Formative Work


Purposeful activity or practice to enhance, facilitate, and/or reinforce learning.

Purposes of Formative work:

  • check for understanding
  • complete unfinished work
  • enrich the curriculum
  • facilitate successful course completion
  • prepare for next lesson and/or assessment
  • reinforce classroom instruction

Formative Coursework Policies

Redoing/Revising Formative Coursework

Students will be allowed redos and revisions of formative coursework for full credit during that unit of study. Scores for redos and revisions will be worth full credit. Redos and revisions are possible as long as assignments are turned in during the unit of study while a student still has an opportunity to benefit from learning the content.

Late Formative Coursework

It is important for students to demonstrate responsible learning by completing missing coursework. Late coursework will be accepted without penalty until the end of the unit (or later at teacher’s discretion based on circumstances). Once coursework is turned in, earned credit will be recorded. Work that is not turned in during the unit of study will be considered missing. The teacher or school may make exceptions depending upon student circumstances.

Missing Formative Coursework

If formative work is missing, there is little evidence of student learning. Therefore, missing formative work will be assigned an “M” in the Synergy grade book indicating no credit has been earned. Teachers will make missing formative work available. Students are responsible for completing missing formative work. Once coursework is turned in (before the end of the unit), earned credit will be recorded. The teacher or school may make exceptions depending upon student circumstances.

Summative Coursework Policies

Definition and Purpose of Summative Assessments


Purposeful activity used to evaluate student learning at the end of a unit of study or end of a grading period.


To determine the extent of student learning, skill acquisition, or academic achievement for a defined instructional period.

Missing Summative Assessments/Projects

If a student is missing a summative assessment, they have 10 school days from the due date to complete it. Assessments not completed within the 10 school day period may/will receive no credit for that specified summative assessment.

*IEP accommodations/modifications, extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration by the individual teacher of record (i.e. incompletes).

Summative Reassessments

Learning is a process and not all students will reach mastery at the same time, so additional assessment may be appropriate based on what is in the best interest of the student. Reassessment opportunities keep the focus on learning and achieving.

  • In order to retake an assessment, additional effort by the student to demonstrate learning must be shown. Formative work may be required to earn a retake.  A study session with the teacher may also be required. Teachers will determine when a student has shown that they are sufficiently prepared for reassessment.  
  • Summative reassessments may take alternative forms and should be completed by the end of the next grading period. The end of the semester is the final grading period or end of the quarter for quarter classes. Due to lack of time, the last unit of the semester/quarter will not be reassessed.
  • IEP accommodations/modifications are taken into consideration by the individual teacher of record.
  • Extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration by the individual teacher of record.

*Some classes may be subject to district policy on reassessment.

Extra Credit Policy

Extra Credit is not an option.

*Alternative academic opportunities will be provided for students to demonstrate essential learning proficiencies.

Cheating / Plagiarism Policy

Cheating or plagiarism is not tolerated at Northeast High School.  When a student is suspected of cheating or plagiarism, due process will be followed.

  • The teacher of record, will confer with the student and listen to her/his explanation of the incident.
  • If cheating or plagiarism is still alleged after this conversation, the parent/guardian will be notified and a referral written to the alpha-administrator.
  • Consequences begin with an assignment to In-School-Suspension, where the student will write an essay tied to the three Be’s (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe).
  • The student will again meet the alpha-administrator, utilizing the capstone experience procedure.
  • The student will be expected to complete the coursework or an alternate form of the coursework, according to teacher directions.
  • In the case of repeated behavior, additional disciplinary consequences may be used.

Grading Scale

A =      90-100
B+ =    85-89
B =      80-84
C+ =    75-79
C =      70-74
D+ =    65-69
D =      60-64
F =      59 & Below


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