

Math grades are computed with 20% of the grade resulting from FORMATIVE assessments (homework and quizzes) and 80% from SUMMATIVE assessments (tests).  At the end of the semester, a student’s grade will be based on the summative category alone if the summative grade is higher than the combined summative/formative grade.

The LNE Math Department feels that the student’s grade should represent the student’s knowledge of the content objectives.  As per Lincoln Public Schools District Math guidelines, extra credit is not offered. Alternative academic opportunities will be provided for students to demonstrate essential learning proficiencies.


The LNE Math Department’s goal is to grow our diverse student body into realizing the importance of doing homework and understanding the direct relationship of doing homework and successful performance on assessments.  Practice will make a difference in the student’s learning.

The LNE math department’s homework policy states that homework must be turned in on the date it is due.  Given the nature of math, it is imperative to do assignments in a timely manner.

If circumstances arise to prevent a student from turning in his/her homework by the due date, the math department will require the student to discuss the late work with his/her teacher and to arrive at a plan for turning in the missing homework which is agreeable to both the student and the teacher.