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Unit 5 Astronomy Ch 23.1, 24, and 25

On line quizzes

Ch 24

Ch 25

What we did in Class

Due to NESA testing schedule this is the week 1 summary

Week 1:  March 28-April 1



* 1.  Explain the Nebular Theory of the origin and organization of the solar system.

Read 644-648 do page 648 (1-7)


* 1.  What types of light make up the electromagnetic spectrum?
* 2.  What can scientists learn about a star by studying its spectrum?
* 3. How can astronomers determine if a star is moving toward or away from you?

Class notes

Read 674-677

Read 678-683 page 683 (1-7)

Movie:  Finding the edge of the universe Part 2

Graded assignments for the week:

1. Read pp. 644-648 p. 648 (1-7)
2. Worksheet:  Temperature and Formation of Our Solar System
3. Read pp. 678-683 p. 683 (1-7)
4. Read pp. 674-677 p. 677 (1-6)
5. Class notes ch 24.1-24.2
6. Quiz ch 23.1 on Friday

More NESA testing so the week’s assignments are “lumped” again.

Week 2:  April 4-8

25.1 Properties of Stars

1. What can we learn by studying star properties?
2. How does distance affect parallax?
3. What factors determine a star’s magnitude?
4. What relationship is shown on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?

Read pp. 700-706 do page 706 (1-7)

Hubbel’s Law worksheet:  Complete graph and answer the following questions:

  1. Why is the Milky Way recorded as having a velocity of 0 km/sec?  Does this mean the Milky Way is the center of the universe?
  2. How do the velocities of the galaxies closest to the Earth compare to those further from the Earth?  What can you conclude about the rate of expansion of the universe?

25.2 Stellar Evolution


1. What stage marks the birth of a star?
2. Why do all stars eventually die?
3. What stages make up the life cycle of a low, medium, and high mass star?

Graded assignments for the week

1.    Read pp. 700-706 do page 706 (1-7)
2.    Interpreting Stellar Data worksheet
3.    Read pp. 707-714 do page 714 (1-6)
4.    Life cycle of a star poster and paragraph
5.    Read 715-721 do page 721 (1-7)
6.    LAB- Our Expanding Universe
7.    Hubble’s Law worksheet
8.    Select questions worksheet


Back to a “normal” schedule

Mon April 11  Hand out CRT review sheet- due Wednesday

Tues April 12

Wed April 13  Review day

Thurs April 14  Unit test astronomy

Fri  April 15  CRT Astronomy



  1. Sequence the events of the Big Bang Theory
  2. Describe the Big Bang Theory
  3. Know 3 pieces of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory