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Chapter 13 RNA and Protein Synthesis

Chapter 13.1


Observe the following images

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Do you see differences in the types of cells?

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Compare the tigers.

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Pause to check out the kitty paws!

Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 8.48.53 AM    Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 8.35.52 AM









  1. What caused the differences in the sets of images?
  2.  Brainstorm with a partner.
  3. Develop 4 questions about the images and what may have caused the differences.




Review Videos:

m (1:45)



Decoding the Genetic Code from DNA to mRNA to tRNA to Amino Acid (5:27)

Good review link

Bozeman Biology (11:56)



Crash Course Biology (14:07)




Review Videos:

Bozeman Biology Point vs Frameshift biology
