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Unit 1 The Cell Cycle

Ch 10 Cell Growth and Division

Ch 10.1  Cell Growth, Division, and Reproduction

1.  Explain the problems that growth causes for cells.

  • The larger the cell, the more demands the cell places on DNA
  • The larger the cell, the less efficient it is in moving materials through the membrane


Complete the table comparing surface area to volume ratios of cells as they grow.

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What happened to the surface area to volume ratio as the cell doubles in size?

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Which wrestler will stay warmer?  Why?





Bergmann’s rule In a broad range, larger size mammals are found in colder regions and smaller mammals are found in warmer regions.  In two historical periods of warming, the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum and the Eocene Thermal maximum, mammals dwarved and returned to normal size as Earth’s temperature cooled.

How big can a human be?

2.  Compare sexual to asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction is the production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent.  This method of reproduction occurs very quickly because an individual does not need to search for a mate.  Binary fission, cloning, and budding are example of asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically unique from the parents having a combination of genetic material from both parents.  This creates diversity in a species which can be a survival advantage.


1.  Complete the table

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2.  What type of reproduction is cloning?

3.  Organ transplants are most successful when the donor organ closely matches the recipient.  Which would be a better match a parent and child or two sibling?  Why?

 Ch 10.2 The Process of Cell Division


  1. What is the role of chromosomes in cell division?
  2. What are the main events of the cell cycle?
  3. What events occur during each of the four phases of mitosis?
  4. How do daughter cells split apart after mitosis?



12.2.3a  Review the Cell Cycle

The stages of the cell cycle in order:  The quotes indicate the Latin meaning of the word.

  1. Interphase  “between”
  2. Prophase  “before”
  3. Metaphase “middle”
  4. Anaphase  “break apart”
  5. Telophase  “far”

The Cell Cycle consists of the phases:  G1-S-G2-M

  • G1, S, and G2 are part of Interphase
  • G1 and G2 are gaps
  • S is the synthesis when DNA is replicated
  • Mitosis (M) is nuclear division and cytokinesis

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  1. Which stage(s) are Interphase?
  2. Where does Mitosis occur?
  3. In section D, label Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis
  4. Which stage in the cell cycle takes the longest time to occur?


What happens in Cell Division?


Read pages 279-285


Chapter 10.3 Regulating the Cell Cycle


  1. How is the cell cycle regulated?
  2. How do cancer cells differ from other cells?

NOVA animation:  How cancer grows and spreads


Chapter 10.4 Regulating the cell cycle


How do cells become specialized for different functions?

What are stem cells?

The Nature of Stem Cells

Unlocking Stem Cell Potential

What are some possible benefits and issues associated with stem cells?




Helpful videos

Penguin Prof 17 minutes

Bozeman Science 13:35 minutes

3.  Cell Cycle computer lab activity and worksheet

Link for page 1 of hand out

Link for On-line Onion Root Tips (page 2 of handout)

12.2.3b  Describe how a DNA molecule forms a chromosome

4.  NOVA



1.  Read pages 279-280

Helpful link



Cell Biology and Cancer

 Activity 1  Faces of Cancer

•Understand that there are many types of cancer
•Recognize that the incidence of cancer increases with age
•Understand that some people inherit predispositions to particular types of cancer
•Understand that some people make choices that increase their risk for cancer
•Be able to explain that a person’s chance of surviving cancer increases with early detection and treatment

Activity 2  Understanding Cancer:  Cancer and the Cell Cycle

•Understand that many different agents can cause cancer
•Understand that cancer represents a breakdown of the processes that regulate the growth of normal cells and tissues
•Recognize that cancer develops as a result of genetic damage that occurs to cells across time
•Explain that cancer is associated with the occurrence of damage to particular classes of genes involved in the normal regulation of the cell cycle
•Understand that studying the processes involved in the development of cancer has led to a significantly increased understanding of the normal cell cycle as well as new strategies for treating cancer


Link to Cancer and the Cell Cycle

