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Oral Communications

Oral Communications ~ Student Objectives

~Demonstrate an understanding of communication theory
~Demonstrate effective public speaking skills
~Demonstrate an understanding of the theory of group communication
~Demonstrate effective listening skills
~Demonstrate an understanding of intercultural communication theory
~Demonstrate critical thinking skills as they apply to communication
~Demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution skills
~Demonstrate effective interviewing techniques
~Demonstrate the effects of various types of electronic audio and visual media

Oral Communications ~ Student Goals

*Present a positive image through verbal and nonverbal communication
*Utilize available technology to research, compose and present information
*Display active listening and appropriate audience response
*Explore communicative elements of personal traits and group dynamics
*Write and present speeches meant to inform, persuade and entertain
*Conduct research on a variety of public speaking topics
*Develop self-confidence in public speaking abilities

Oral Communications ~ Student Outcomes

1 ~ Knowledgeable Person
2 ~ Complex Thinker
3 ~ Effective Communicator
4 ~ Community Contributor
5 ~ Quality Producer
6 ~ Collaborative Participant
7 ~ Self-directed Learner

Mr. Heimes’s Classroom Procedures:

1) Bring all materials with you: notebook, portfolio, writing utensil, etc.

2) Exercise RESPECT: for the material, facility, others, and the instructor.

3) Be a considerate member of the audience and adhere to the golden rule.

Completing these three tasks will allow you to contribute to and enjoy my communication classroom philosophy: Community, Creativity and Challenge.

Grading: Public speaking is difficult; something made easier by continued practice. Therefore, you are expected to participate fully in all activities and projects, whether individual or group. You are also expected to present your performance on the day assigned. Failing to do so will result in an automatic 15% deduction from your grade. Self- and peer-evaluations will also be a component of this course. The informative and persuasive assignments are district mandates in order to pass the course. Plagiarism of speeches will not be tolerated! Doing so will result in a zero for the assignment and, if on either major speech, failure of the course.

Grade Scale:

A) 100-90

B+) 89-85

B) 84-80

C+) 79-75

C) 74-70

D+) 69-65

D) 64-60

F) <60

Portfolio: Students are expected to keep a portfolio for this course. This should consist of a three-ring binder that accompanies the student at all times. This will contain class notes, handouts, quizzes, tests, speeches and critiques; the safest bet is to keep EVERYTHING.

Tardies/Absences: The LSW Student Handbook will provide the guiding rules for attendance. Being in class when the bell rings is a courtesy and an expectation. If a student is tardy, they are responsible for obtaining a late, tardy or planner pass, completing a tardy slip and discussing the reason with me. The first unexcused tardy is a verbal warning; the second tardy will result in time after school; and the third will receive an administrative referral.

Passes: Hall passes are privileges and are only to be used in emergency situations. Please take care of restroom and drink breaks during passing time. Passes will not be signed the first 15 minutes of class, during student presentations, in lecture situations or while I am involved in individual instruction. Before you ask me to sign a pass, please write the destination, my room number, and the time (To RR from B212 at 10:14). You must use YOUR planner for a pass, so please do not ask for a pass if you do not have your planner with you.

Food/Drink/Music: Food and drink are not permitted in the classroom or any other carpeted areas in which we may be working. Water may only be brought in if it is in a closeable, clear bottle. Headphones/stereos are not allowed in my classroom. Cell phones must be turned off.

Makeup/Late Work: You are responsible for gathering any missed lecture notes or handouts, as well as scheduling a time to make up quizzes, tests or performances. All work must be made up within two school days or the student will receive zero (0) points for that assignment. Late homework will only be accepted the following day with a 25% deduction for tardiness. In-class work or activities are due during that period without exception.


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