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Welcome to the new site for the Nebraska Invitational Tournament (NIT). Here you will find all you need to know about the NIT — the rules, event standings and tournament procedures.

Please direct any comments or questions to the new site manager, Matt Heimes, at


Please register your Varsity LD, Policy, and Public Forum, as well as Novice LD by sending me an e-mail with the information requested below attached.

Coach’s Name:
E-mail address:
Entry Names & Event:

Remember, points will only be earned towards the invitation at high school debate tournaments that occur between November 1st, 2008 and February 10th, 2009.  Tab sheets for your team members will be required after each competition weekend.  Late tab sheets will be accepted up to 2 months from the date of the tournament. (This is being noted so that I do not receive reams of tab sheets the week of this tournament).  Point level updates will be available on the internet as well as by e-mail upon request and also at various in-state tournaments.

Please feel free to register any and all debaters you feel may compete this season. An e-mail of verification of registration will be sent to you within 2 weeks.


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