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Lección preliminar

Lección preliminar

¡Bienvenido al mundo hispanohablante!

How much do you remember from Academic Connections?  Take this quiz on the preliminary chapter of your previous textbook:


Test 1:  Spanish Speaking Countries and Useful Phrases

Los paises hispano-hablantes (Spanish-Speaking Countries):

Learn more about different countries where Spanish is spoken:

This site offers offers photos, maps and narratives on places in North and Central America:

This site offers city guides which contain information on places in the U.S., Canada and Mexico destinations:

This site will allow you to create a brochure, newspaper, flyer or booklet about the country you have chosen to explore:

Use map puzzles to learn more about Spanish speaking countries and their capitals:

View maps of Central and South America:

El alfabeto (alphabet):

Listen to the letters of the alphabet:

Los números 1-100 (numbers):

Review the Numbers from 1-100 and listen to the Spanish pronunciation using these links:

Los colores (colors):

Review the colors using these activities:

Los saludos y las despedidas (greetings & farewells):

Click on the images to hear the Spanish pronunciation of the following:

El tiempo (weather):

Use these links to learn about the weather in Spanish.

Los días de la semana (days of the week):

Use these links to practice the days of the week in Spanish:

How do you say my name in Spanish? 

Answer this question by going to this site, entering your name, and selecting “Translate into SPANISH”.


Activities connected to our current unit will be available through your class page.

Online Textbook

Use your on line textbook to practice and review material covered in class:

Home Tutor

Use “Classzone” to access games, cultural information, animated grammar presentations and the Home Tutor.

Student Docushare

Submit your work to the class hand in folder in Student Docushare using this link:

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