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Unidad 3

Lección 1

Grammar –

(1) Indirect object pronouns

  • Use this link for a detailed grammar explanation:

(2) Verb Conjugation

Use this link to practice conjugation regular ER verbs:

Vocabulary – Food, Beverages and Meals

Ordering in a Restaurant

Read the following article about the ways Spanish menus (la carta) are organized:

Use these links to view sample restaurant menus:

Lección 2

Grammar – Making Comparisons

Vocabulary –

(1) Family Members

Use this link to view a family tree and hear the names of family members:

(2) Months of the Year

Listen to the months of the year using this link:

(3) Numbers 1-100:

CUENTA:  Listen to the numbers 1 – 30 by clicking HERE.

Review the Numbers from 1-100 and listen to the Spanish pronunciation using these links:


Practice and review grammar and vocabulary from your textbook while playing Concentration, Rags to Riches, Battleship, Hangman, and more using Quia activities on your class page or my profile page.  Look for the numbers folder.

Online Textbook

Use your on line textbook to practice and review material covered in class:

Home Tutor

Use “Classzone” to access games, cultural information, animated grammar presentations and the Home Tutor.

Student Docushare

Submit your work to the class hand in folder in Student Docushare using this link:

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