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Unidad 1

Lección 1

Grammar –

(1)  Pronouns

Here is an explanation of all of the different types of Spanish pronouns we will be learning about this year.

  • Pronouns (subject, indirect object, direct object, reflexive object, object of preposition, reflexive object of preposition).
  • Pronoun Chart

(2)  Indirect Object Pronouns

Talk about activities you like and don’t like using the verb gustar.  Click on this link for a detailed grammar explanation of indirect object pronouns:

(3)  The Verb SER

Use the verb “ser” (to be) to describe yourself and others.  Practice verb conjugation on this site:

Vocabulary – Likes and Dislikes

Lección 2

Grammar –

(1)Definite and Indefinite Articles

(2) Adjective-Noun Agreement

(3)  The Verb TENER

Practice conjugating the verb “tener” (to have) on this site:

Vocabulary – Adjectives

Describe yourself and others.   Use these adjectives to describe personality and appearance.  Click on this link to play a Spanish-English adjective matching game:

Click on this link to hear the pronunciation of some basic Spanish adjectives:

Click on this link to see a list of 162 Spanish adjectives on Quizlet including flashcards, scatter game and space race:


Practice and review grammar and vocabulary for this unit using the quia activities on your class page.

Online Textbook

Use your on line textbook to practice and review material covered in class:

Home Tutor

Use “Classzone” to access games, cultural information, animated grammar presentations and the Home Tutor.

Student Docushare

Submit your work to the class hand in folder in Student Docushare using this link:

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