Lincoln Public Schools ExCITE / Head Start Program

Families who have children, 3 or 4 years of age by October 15, 2011, are encouraged to apply for the ExCITE / Head Start Program. Applications for the 2011-2012 school year will be accepted anytime after March 1st. There is an application process for the program since the number of enrollment opportunities are limited due to the amount of funding that’s received from the Federal Government and State of Nebraska sources. A complete application, copies of the child’s immunization records, a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport, and 2010 income verification must be received before a child may be considered for the program.

Applications are available at the LPS ExCITE / Head Start Office, located at Culler Middle School, 5201 Vine St. If you have questions, please contact the ExCITE / Head Start Office at 436-1995.