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Parent/Student Homework Contracts Information

What is a homework contract?
A homework contract is agreement between a student and his/her parent(s) that clearly outlines
what each will do to ensure that out-of-school assignments are completed accurately and on
time. Contracts should outline rewards that will be given to students for completing assignments
and consequences for not doing the work.

Why should students have a homework contract?
Homework is an essential part of the learning process. Concepts taught at school are reinforced through homework.
Students learn life skills such as time management, independence, organization, and responsibility by being held
accountable for assignments. Some students, however, need assistance in getting motivated to tackle homework tasks.
Homework contracts can help students get on track. Contracts also help students develop positive homework habits
before problems arise.

Whose homework is it, anyway?
Many parents have said, “When my child gets a lot of homework, I get a lot of homework!” This should not be the
case. Even though there are items in the homework contract that parents promise to do, they should be supervisory in
nature, for example, making sure the student adheres to the set “homework time” each day. Although parents should
support their children and enforce homework rules, they should not be responsible for doing the assignments nor
teaching the content to the student.

Incentives for homework completion:
For a homework contract to be effective, it is important for adults to be consistent in enforcing the rules. Creating a
system of rewards and consequences may be an effective way to keep students on task.
Daily rewards: Students may do an activity they enjoy, such as reading for fun, watching a program, chatting online
with friends, or playing outside, for example, for a set period of time when their homework has been completed.

Weekly rewards: When the student has been successful at completing homework all week, s/he is rewarded with a
special activity during the weekend, such as a movie or pizza night at home.

Monthly/term rewards: Some parents have found it helpful to use a “point system” in which students earn a set
number of points for each night they complete their assignments (1 night’s worth of completed assignments = 1 point,
for example.) Students can “cash in” their points at the end of the month, or term, for something special, such as a
meal at a favorite restaurant, a trip to the zoo, a game from the toy store, etc. (20 points = 1 game, for example).

Consequences: If the student does not complete his/her assignments, an appropriate penalty may include taking away
privileges such as: time with friends; TV, stereo, or video games; internet or phone use.
NOTE: Parents know their children best! Therefore, it is up to them to decide what rewards and consequences will work
best for their individual children and their family’s situation.
Parent/Student Homework Contracts by the Title I Dissemination Project, Inc.