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Lifespan Development

LifeSpan Development Syllabus

This course is the required class for the K-12 Education pathway at TCA

5 hrs credit                Grades 9-12

(LPS 3820   NDE 350002)

Course Description:

This introductory course focuses on the progression of human development throughout the lifespan.  Knowledge of our development (mentally, physically, socially and emotionally) is the basis for careers in education, counseling, and many other helping careers.   With each age group, students will learn strategies for promoting development and for establishing and maintaining positive interactions.  This course is a required entry course for The Career Academy K-12 Education pathway.


Textbook: Lifespan Development, worksheets, note-taking, discussion, group work, video clips. Quizzes and Tests are given. 80% of work is summative, 20% formative work.


Unit-Course Standards and Benchmarks


  1. Students will analyze principles of human growth and development.
    • Examine physical development across the lifespan.
    • Examine emotional/social development across the lifespan.
    • Examine cognitive development throughout the lifespan.



  1. Examine conditions that influence human growth and development
    • Analyze the effects of heredity and environment on human growth and dev.
    • Identify the effects of gender, ethnicity, and culture on individual.
    • Demonstrate the effects of life events on an individuals physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development
    • Analyze the influences of social, economic, technological, geographic, and political factors on development.



3 Analyze strategies that promote growth and development across the life


3.1Examine the role of nurture on human growth and development.

Describe the effects of communication on human growth and development.

  • Describe the effects of communication on human growth and development.

3.3 Explore the role of family and community support systems in meetings human growth and development needs.


Stages of Development




Early Childhood

Middle Childhood


Early Adulthood

Middle Adulthood

Older Adulthood



  1. Come to class prepared, have 3- ring binder, something to write with and paper.


  1. Be on time, tardies will be counted and turned in to your administrator.
  2. Snack food and drinks are allowed, please pick up after yourself.
  3. Cell Phones are ONLY allowed with teacher’s permission and for curriculum reasons.
  4. Be respectful to yourself, visitors to this class, and to your classmates.
  5. You are responsible for all missing work, get notes from a classmate and/ or see homework bin for missing worksheets.
  6. Restroom breaks are allowed with teacher permission, lanyard on and you must have your planner. NO BREAKS the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class.


Final: There will be a summative written final at the end of the semester. Keep track of all your work in your three-ring binder.


My door or e-mail is always open if you have questions/concerns.  Please keep the lines of communication open so I can better serve your learning.

Mrs. Skorupa J


  • My door or e-mail is always open if you have questions/concerns.  Please keep the lines of communication open so I can better serve your learning.