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Article I | Article II | Article III | Article IV | Article V | Article VI | Article VII |

Lincoln Northeast FCCLA Bylaws

Article I Name, Goal, and Purposes

Section 1. Name

The organization shall be known as Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. The name shall be used by the chapter and state association and national organization.

Section 2. Mission and Purposes

A. The mission of FCCLA is to promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education. Focusing on the roles of family members, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through:
• character development
• creative and critical thinking
• interpersonal communication
• practical knowledge
• vocational preparation

B. Organized instruction relating to the mission is a part of the family and consumer sciences education program in the schools. The purpose of the organization shall be as follows:
• To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life.
• To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society.
• To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the homes and community.
• To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony.
• To promote greater understanding between youth and adults.
• To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities.
• To prepare for the multiple roles of men and woman in today’s society.
• To promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations.

C. This statement is to be used by members and others when representing the organization, when preparing informational and promotional items for news media, or when making presentations about FCCLA to others:
• “FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education.

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Article II Organization

Section 1. Chapter

The chapter is certified in Lincoln Northeast High School, in which Family and Consumer Sciences instruction is offered. The chapter shall be composed of students possessing the qualifications for membership. All members must have taken or are currently taking a Family and Consumer Science class.

Section 2. Affiliation

This chapter accepts in full the provisions in the constitution and bylaws of the Nebraska Association of FCCLA as well as those of the National Organization of FCCLA.

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Article III Membership

Section 1. Membership

Membership in this chapter shall be of three kinds: active, honorary, and associate, as defined by the national FCCLA constitution.

A. The program of this chapter shall be carried on by the active members. Any student who is taking or has taken a course in family and consumer and/or family and consumer sciences related occupations through grade twelve shall be eligible for active membership in an organized chapter within the school. Active members shall be eligible to hold office, make motions and vote.

B. Honorary membership in this chapter shall be limited to chapter honorary membership only. Any individuals whose professional responsibility are not directly related to FCCLA, who have made outstanding contributions, and who are giving continued service to the organization by advancing its purposes, shall be eligible for honorary membership.

C. Any active member upon graduation from high school is entitled to associate membership. (Entitled – Alumni and Associates) Associate membership shall not vote or hold office. Adults who share the goals and purposes of FCCLA and its programs and who wish to support the continuing development of FCCLA youth, shall be eligible for Associate Membership.
Section 2. Qualification

Active members in good standing may vote on all business brought before the chapter. To be in good standing active members shall:
• Attend chapter meetings with reasonable regularity. Failure to do this causes dismissal from active membership.
• Participate in activities of the chapter.
• Pay dues yearly.
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Article IV Officers
Section 1. Officers

The term for officers will be May 15th to May 15th. The officers of the chapter shall be as follows: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, public relations chairperson, and historian.

A. The President’s duties will be to:
• conduct all chapter meetings
• assign committee chairpersons
• delegate responsibilities
• attend and lead all officer meetings
• work closely with adviser (initiates 3 contacts per week)
• be a voting delegate at State Convention

B. The Vice-President’s duties will be to:
• serve as District representative (attend all district meetings)
• conduct chapter meetings when President is unable to attend
• assist President with chapter decision making
• attend all officer meetings
• work closely with adviser (initiates 2 contacts per week)

C. The Secretary’s duties will be to:
• take minutes at all monthly and special meetings
• take roll at all chapter meetings
• record attendance at all special events and activities
• attend all officer meetings
• create yearly point chart and keep it current
• write thank-yous and other correspondence

D. The Treasurer’s duties will be to:
• help adviser collect dues at the beginning of the school year
• enter all monthly transactions into official Treasurer’s book
• make out deposit envelopes for dues, fund raising, etc.
• give Treasurer’s report at each monthly meeting
• attend all officer meetings
• initiates one contact per week with adviser

E. The Public Relation’s duties will be to:
• help publicize upcoming events and meetings in the school student bulletin
• work closely with the school newspaper to see that FCCLA events are being publicized
• write and submit articles to the “Northeastern”
• write and submit one article for “Teen Talk”
• oversee all Public Relations activities (posters, flyers, etc.)
• attend all officer meetings
• initiates one contact per week with adviser

G. The Historian’s duties will be to:
• save newspaper articles and other memorabilia for FCCLA scrapbook
• take pictures at meetings and other FCCLA activities
• compile and organize the above items in the official FCCLA scrapbook
• send one page of pictures/articles to State FCCLA Historian so Northeast is represented in State FCCLA scrapbook
• attend all officer meetings
• initiates one contact per week with adviser

Section 2. Officers

Officers are important leaders of the organization and thus must set a good example. As elected leaders of this organization, officers will be required to:
• attend all officer meetings as called by the President or Adviser (officers will meet on a bi-weekly basis)
• arrive early to monthly meetings to set up and prepare
• attend up to two summer meetings or workshops to plan the program of work for the up-coming school year
• unexcused absences at any scheduled general meeting or officer meeting will result in the following:
1st offense- warning from adviser
2nd offense- removal from office
• excused absences are defined as illness, conflicts with another school activity or event or any other special circumstance as pre-approved by the adviser. Anything else is unexcused.

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Article V Attendance at FCCLA events

Section 1. District Convention

All member who have paid dues before the registration deadline may attend districts.

Section 2. Cluster Meeting

Eligibility to attend a cluster meeting will be based on the following criteria:

A. Must have been a member the previous year and shown active involvement.

B. If a first year member wishes the opportunity to attend the cluster meeting, they must write a letter listing why they would like to attend. This letter would need to be approved by the officer team before attendance is granted.

C. If a large number of members request to go, priority will be given to the fourth year members, third year members, etc.

Section 3. State Convention

A. Because the state has a quota based on chapter membership, first priority will be given to newly elected officers.

B. Current State Officers, Peer Education Team members, and STAR qualifiers will attend State as additional delegates.

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Article VI Rules and Standards for FCCLA members

Section 1. Northeast High School Policy for Grades

A. All officers and members must maintain a 2.5 grade point average throughout the school year. Grades will be checked twice every quarter. Academic probation will be the consequence if a member or officer falls below a 2.5 GPA. Members will have 2 weeks to bring up their grade. After that time, if the GPA is not raised, members will be ineligible to attend any conferences or STAR competition.

Section 2. Earning a Scholastic Letter for FCCLA

A. In order for members to earn a Scholastic Letter, they must earn at least 75% of the possible points offered in any given school year. Members earn points by attending meetings, helping with fundraising, participating in chapter projects, and completing STAR projects.

Section 3. Code of Conduct

A. All FCCLA members shall be leaders within the school and set a good example at all times.
B. FCCLA members must be courteous to other FCCLA members and other Northeast students in general

C. FCCLA members must be respectful to the adviser, to all teachers, and administration at Northeast High School. This includes:
1. Be respectful in word and action to all faculty and administration.
2. Do not engage in unruly behavior.
3. Do not use profanity or vulgar language.
4. Follow all school rules

D. Lincoln Northeast FCCLA members must represent the School at all times and not engage in activities/habits that are illegal or subject to criticism.
1. Drinking alcohol and drug use will not be tolerated and or grounds for dismissal from the chapter.
2. Any behavior that is in violation of the law, for example, stealing, destruction of property, assault, etc. will be grounds for dismissal from the chapter.
3. Every FCCLA member MUST abide by those standards set forth by the Administration found in the Lincoln Northeast Handbook.
4. FCCLA members MUST model all LNE expectations, such as carrying a planner at all times and wearing the school approved lanyard and ID when at school.
5. FCCLA members must consistently abide by the LNE dress code
E. Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in removal from Lincoln Northeast’s FCCLA chapter’
1. If a FCCLA member is to be removed, he/she will receive due process.
2. Due process will consist of meeting with the sponsor and the Executive Committee. (Ex. Committee will consist of 3 officers)
3. The FCCLA member will have an opportunity to state his/her case and why membership should not be terminated.
4. A decision will be rendered by the Sponsor and Executive Committee

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Article VII Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1. –These bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the chapter by a two-thirds vote, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular business meeting.

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