
Here are my expectaciones for EVERYONE in my class. I hold high expectations for each and every student. I believe you are all capable of succeeding and I am here to facilitate that success and will be here every step of the way. But, you must help yourself as well. Below I have outlined only a FEW expectations I have for this classroom.

1. Come everyday and be on time. I expect you to attend class everyday (I want to see your smiling face! 🙂 ) and I expect you to be in my classroom and in your seat, when the bell rings.

2. Procedures & Routines. When the bell rings to signal the beginning of the class, you must be in your seat. At the end of the class period, please do not pack up early and please STAY IN YOUR SEAT until you hear the sound of the bell. At this sound, you may pack up your things and you may leave.

3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Show respect for all people and things in the room. It is expected that students will be courteous to the teacher and to each other.  This means that students do not talk to each other while someone else is speaking. Negative comments about your classmates, class, or me will not be tolerated and will result in a parent phone call and/or a referral.

4. Leave the distractions in your bag. Put your cell phones, iPods, food, drinks, MP3’s, etc. in your backpacks or purses and leave them there. They will be taken and kept until the end of the period if they are seen by me during classtime.

5. Life does not allow late work. This is for your benefit and is not to punish you. It is to help you. Homework is practice and practice makes perfect. Please bring your completed homework on the day it is due. See the GRADING tab for more information on grading.

6. Make-up work. If you happen to be gone for an excused absence, you will find your make-up work in your folder under your make-up work tab that you have denoted. If you happen to have a question about this assignment, please ask one of your classmates first and if you are still confused, please consult with me. The make-up work will be due the next day after you arrive back from your absence.

7. Be prepared. Learning another language requires a lot of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Please be prepared to participate in all of the above when you enter class everyday. Also, please be prepared by bringing to class everyday writing utensils and paper. We will take notes on a continual basis in this class and will use paper every single day.

8. Textbooks. We will be using the ¡Avancemos 1! textbook this year which is completely new. The wonderful thing about this text is that it is completely online which is very advantageous to you as students. Also on the website are many tools for you to use to practice your Spanish. Visit www.classzone.com to play around with the site. We will be using this site alot during the school year to do homework assignments and quizzes.

9. Cheating, copying, etc. Cheating off of tests or quizzes or copying your friends’ homework or projects is strictly prohibited. I expect your own work and will not tolerate dishonesty in my classroom. Cheating, copying or plagiarism or any kind will result in an immediate failing grade as well as a parent phone call and/or a referral.

10. IT IS REQUIRED that you purchase a 2 inch three ring binder for this class only as well as a one-subject spiral bound notebook for this class only and some sort of dividers (paper dividers, sticky notes, sticky note dividers, etc) to denote new chapters as well as other things such as make-up work. It may also be useful to purchase loose leaf three hole punch paper. Your binder will be kept in class everyday unless you want to take it home in which there will be a sign out sheet which is simply for me to keep track of who has taken home their binder. We will use the binder to put all of your materials in it to keep in class and at the end of the year, you will hand it in for a summative grade.