Information about grading to remember…

Remember: We use Standards-Based Grading for all areas in Elementary School. A “4” is NOT equivalent to an “A” and a “3” is NOT equal to a “B”.
Standards-Based Grading

The Elementary Report Card (ERC) is a standards-based report. That is, students are measured against an absolute standard/expectation, not their progress toward meeting that standard. In mathematics, students’ progress is measured in four different content strands: Number (NUM), Algebra (ALG), Geometry (GEO), and Data (DAP). Students are also given a score for work/study habits.

  • A mark of “3” for a strand shows that a student has met grade level expectations with respect to the strand. In order to earn a “3” for a content strand, students must demonstrate mastery (fluency, flexibility, and retention) of content within that strand. A mark of “3” indicates that the student is well prepared for content in subsequent grade levels. Mastery of grade level standards is the primary goal of mathematics instruction.
  • A mark of “4” for a strand shows that a student has exceeded grade level expectations with respect to the strand. In order to earn a “4” for a content strand, students must demonstrate mastery (fluency, flexibility, and retention) of content within that strand with a minimal amount of re-teaching and successfully complete the appropriate performance tasks for the strand. See Assessment section for more details. A mark of “4” indicates that a student is working above grade level and should be rare.
  • A mark of “1” or “2” for a strand shows that a student has not yet met grade level expectations with respect to the strand. A mark of “1” or “2” indicates that the student is not yet prepared for content in subsequent grade levels. Teachers must provide additional instruction for students who have not yet mastered grade level standards. It is important to communicate concerns about student progress to parents well in advance of assigning a mark of “1” or “2” on the ERC.

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