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In educational circles “technology” has become the catch word for nearly any electronic input/output device. That makes the title “Director of Technology” (DOT) rather inclusive in scope. The role I have assumed in my position as the DOT at Lincoln Public Schools is one of directing the flow of technology rather than controlling it. Ultimately, the responsibility for directing the flow of technology is one we all share and whether we are served by technology or slaves to it, depends upon whether we assume our responsibility.

I would rather believe that humans will direct and drive technology in service to  humanity rather than be driven by it to our own demise. Either way, we are on a journey that isn’t just beginning, but is rapidly picking up pace. If technology is to serve us it can’t be something we have but, rather, something we use with a purpose.  I hope that the things recorded on this site will challenge us to thoughtfully consider technology and our responsibility to direct its flow in each of our settings.