Unit 5 Wonders of Nature Dec 14- Jan 15

growing things

Kindergarten Newsletter 

Dec. 12- Jan. 14

*Our next PLC day is December 20th.  Students will be dismissed at 1:33

*December 13th is the last day to donate toys for Cedars.  Thanks you so much for helping us reach our goal.  You made a child’s holiday special.

* No School on December 23 – Jan. 3rd.  Enjoy your Winter Break!

School resumes on January 4th, 2017

Reading Unit #5 Wonders of Nature

Literature: My Garden, A Grand Old Tree, An Orange in January

Letters: Hh, Ee, and Ff

New Sight Words: my, are, with, he

Review sight words: like, to, and, go, you, do (Need to read and write)

Grammar: verbs and adjectives

Social Studies: People and Celebrations and Going Places; Transportation

Math: # Partners through 6 (ex: 6= 5+1, 1+5, 3+3, 4+2, 2+4, 0+6, 6+0), Attributes, Patterns, Teen #’s 11 – 20 (identify, count objects, and write #’s), Teen #’s as Tens and Ones (Ex: 12 is 1 Ten and 2 more, 13 is 1 Ten and 3 more) Equal Groups and Not Equal Groups

**In Math we continue to work on “Math Talk”. This is where we use questions to have students explain their math thinking and reasoning. Many times when we ask students how they got their answer they will say they just knew it. We want our students to be able to share and explain how they got their answer. Some of the questions we might ask are How did you know?, Why?, Does your answer make sense?, What strategy did you use?, How did you get your answer?, What did you need to find out?, What did you notice?, Is there another way?, What will you try?

Feel free to encourage math talk at home with your child.


Science: Seasons

Health: Drug Safety, Healthy choices


*Our next PLC day is December 15th. Students will be dismissed at 1:33


*The Kindergarten Teachers will be delivering all the toys collected for Cedars on December 16. Thank you for all that you donated. You made a child’s holiday special.


* No School on December 23 – Jan. 4th Enjoy your Winter Break!

School resumes on January 5th, 2016


BIST: This month our school-wide BIST focus will be on:

* Review School Assembly/Audience Behaviors

* Review Classroom Procedures and Gateway Behaviors

* Review Processing and Think Sheets


Thank you!

Kindergarten Teachers,

Bobbi Adams, Dottie Kitchen, Shannon Svoboda, Karen Langan,

Amanda Williams, & Connor Williams (student teacher)


Read on for more information about our upcoming reading curriculum…


Dear Family Member:

This week our class will be focusing on plants and what they need in order to grow, such as water, food, and air. Children will read stories about gardens.

Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing.

Word Workout

  • Vocabulary: require, plant Help your child understand that plants need water, food, air, and sunlight to grow.
  • My Words to Know

High-Frequency Word: my Encourage your child to say sentences using the word my. Record the sentences on paper and leave a blank where the word my should be. Then have your child write the word my in each space.

Category Words: size words Play a game called “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down.” For example, say a true or false statement. Have your child do a thumbs-up gesture if the statement is true. If it is not true, have your child show a thumbs-down gesture.

Phonics: h Play a rhyming game. Say, What word starts with h and rhymes with pen? (hen) If your child cannot think of the word, provide a clue. Continue the activity with other words.

Comprehension: character, setting, events

Have your child think of a favorite story. Then ask questions about the main characters, where the story takes place, and what events happen at the beginning, middle, and end.


Week 2:

This week our class will be reading stories about how living things, such as trees, change as they grow. Your child will learn to name the parts of a tree, such as the trunk, bark, branches, leaves, and roots.

Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing.

Word Workout

  • Vocabulary: develop, amazing Draw a picture of a tree. Encourage your child to tell facts about trees. Write the facts on the picture of the tree.
  • My Words to Know

High-Frequency Word: are Write the word are on paper. Then have your child practice writing the word are. Have your child think of a sentence using the word are. Write it down and ask your child to circle the word.

Category Words: tree parts Have your child draw a picture of a tree. Help your child label the tree parts, such as trunk, bark, branch, leaves, and roots.

Phonics: e Have your child think of words that include the letter e, such as egg. Draw pictures of these words, then label each picture, having your child underline the letter e in each word.

Comprehension: main topic and key details


Week 3:


This week our class will be reading stories about the kinds of fresh foods grown on a farm. Your child will be identifying different kinds of fruits and vegetables.

Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing.

Word Workout

  • Vocabulary: fresh, delicious Talk about the fresh fruits and vegetables you buy at the grocery store or farmers’ market.
  • My Words to Know

High-Frequency Words: he, with Write the words he and with on paper and ask your child to trace both words. Write a sentence using each word. Have your child point to, circle, and say each word.

Category Words: fruits and vegetables Write the names of fruits and vegetables on index cards. Have your child draw a picture of the word on each card. Then invite your child to sort the cards into fruit and vegetable piles.

Phonics: f, r Play “I Spy” with your child. Open one of your child’s books and say a clue. For example: I spy a number. It starts with the letter f. (four)

Comprehension: main topic and key details