
First Grade Health Objectives

1st Quarter:  Home Safety (Safety) – The student will be able to:
*  Identify unsafe household substances. Then demonstrate safe behaviors around  unsafe household substances.
*  Identify common fire hazards. Then illustrate how to avoid fire hazards.
*  Describe safe behavior when home alone. Then demonstrate appropriate home-alone behavior.
*  Identify whom to ask for help in an emergency. Then demonstrate how to ask for help.

2nd Qtr:  Drug Free (Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs)  – The student will be able to:
*  Identify reasons for taking medicines and identify who can give medicine safely.
*  Define alcohol and distinguish between alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.
*  Identify harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
*  Demonstrate how to refuse alcohol.

3rd Quarter:  Smart Snacking (Nutrition) – The student will be able to:
*  Name parts of the body that are used to eat and digest food.
*  List reasons why the body needs food (grow, stay well, be strong, have energy)
*  Define the term “healthful meals.”
*  Name foods in the five basic food groups and foods in the “other foods” category.
*  Choose and record a favorite healthful food from each of the five groups.
*  Plan a balanced breakfast.
*  Identify the benefits that healthful snacks provide for the body.

4th Quarter:  Body Care (Growth and Development) – The student will be able to:
*  Describe effects of getting too little sleep and recognize the importance of a regular bedtime.
*  Identify the importance of regular brushing and flossing to healthy gums and teeth and recognize the importance of regular dental and medical checkups.
*  Locate and tell the function of the major internal organs (heart, lungs, stomach, brain) and bones and muscles.
*  Name ways to tell that the body has grown and name ways that body parts change as the body grows.
*   Recognize that physical activity benefits muscles as well as heart and lungs and identify the effects of physical activity on the body.
*   Identify how preventing the spread of germs and keeping the body healthy help prevent illness, recognize the role of hygiene in personal health, then demonstrate behaviors that help to prevent illness.