
I am so excited for February. First, January always feels SOOOO long! It feels good to change that calendar to February. I also love our February lessons. It’s all about careers!

In kindergarten and first grade, we read really fun books about different careers. Students are then able to identify a possible career for themselves accompanied by a picture of them doing that job.

Second grade students use a wonderful website called “Paws in Jobland.” It is a fun, interactive website geared towards younger elementary students and it great to explore.

Third graders use a career interest survey to identify their “color”. Colors are based upon strands of careers, or types of careers. They can then investigate a few of the careers listed under their “color” and use a career database to find information about those careers.

Fourth and fifth graders also use online resources. They go to a career interest website where they answer 30 questions and then are given careers that are a best match. They can then learn more about these careers including, but not limited to, how much someone with that career makes, the education needed, and what the job responsibilities are for that career. Teachers and students alike love these lessons, and so do I!