Coming up this week! {8/19-8/23}


Welcome back for week #2 in Kindergarten! We have so many things to learn and do this week as we start to get settled into our regular routine!

This week we will be talking about families. Our essential question is “Who is in your family?” We are going to continue reviewing the letters of the alphabet and practicing the ABC chant each day. Our high-frequency word this week is can. 

This week we will be learning all about counting from 1-10. We are going to be reading Anno’s Counting Book and looking for groups of numbers. We will practice showing the numbers with our fingers, as well as counting them in a group of dots. We will be focusing on putting numbers 1-5 in order and representing each of those numbers in multiple ways. We will even draw our own counting book scenes and represent numbers 2-5. Math homework folders will come home on Monday, August 19th. There will be a family letter for you to read and keep at home. You will also find vocabulary cards. These are for you to cut out and use at home to learn, practice, and review the various math concepts we will be learning in Unit 1. The vocabulary cards do not need to be returned to school. Please always have your child return their homework folder the next school day. It will not come home every day. 

Writer’s Workshop…
We are going to start our writer’s workshop routine! We are going to learn how to become authors this year and will begin with understanding the writing materials and what our writing time should look like/sound like.

We are beginning our Second Step curriculum this week! Our lessons include: Learning to Listen, Focus Attention, Following Directions, Self-Talk for Staying on Task, and Being Assertive. These are important skills for us to learn as we begin our educational journey in Kindergarten! More information about the Second Step curriculum will be coming home in the Kindergarten newsletter on August 19th.


We have a busy week ahead! Thanks for all you do!

-Mrs. Sellenrick