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Secondary ELL Publications

Mrs. Bohaty’s Class “Inventions” Multimedia Project

Last week I had the privilege to work with a classroom of 20 ELL students at Schoo Middle School, in Mrs. Bohaty’s class. It was a research project. Each student researched an invention of their interest. They had to find and use a variety of informational sources, select and summarize key information to answer guiding questions. Furthermore, students had to explain how the invention changed the world and what role it plays in our lives today.

The project did not stop there. After the researching, writing, revising and editing,  students used iMovie to publish their findings in a very creative and unique way. Students worked for 4 class periods to find pictures that best represented their key findings. After that students uploaded their pictures to iPhoto and then to iMovie. They added title slides and transitions to their projects and recorded themselves reading their papers.

Thorough the process, students were 100% engaged. The product is a collection of creative presentations by students that have been learning English for the past 6 to 24 months.

Enjoy the stories and learn something interesting!


Click here to view ALL of our stories!!!


Level 1 Students at Lincoln High write about animals!

These high school students created digital stories as part of a writing unit during which they were also learning new vocabulary about animals.  They were engaged in writing, finding pictures to enhance their story and recording to digitally publish their learning.  These beginning language learners were able to use their English in an authentic way and share their language development with a broad audience!  We hope you enjoy their work!

Click here to view ALL of Mrs. Kreimer’s students’ Animal Reports


Click here to view ALL of Mrs. Okereke’s students’ Animal Reports

Mrs. Grimes’ Class Projects

The North Star ELL students in Mrs. Grimes used Enhanced Podcasts to share with you what they are learning in the classroom. They used technology to publish narratives, expository writing and content in creative ways. Here are some examples: Healthy Me, Experience, Three Branches of Government.





Using Comic Life has also been a fun learning experience for students in Mrs. Grimes class. In this project, students used a graphic organizer to brainstorm and learn about writing and then shared about themselves with their class.





Good ‘Ol Word Processors can also help student learn and show what they know.

“This is something else that I typically do when I am first teaching
paragraphing with the students or to have a “published” paper. I have
found that color-coding the writing really helps them visualize what
they have (or don’t have!) in their papers. I have them include a key,
so they are aware of what the parts of the paper are called.” ~Mrs. Grimes.