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May 4th, 2020 – Space Week

Hello Families!

I hope you are all doing well, and getting outside a bit to enjoy the nice weather.  I’m so encouraged by the warmth, and the notion that some things are beginning to open up in the community!

This week in reading, the kids will enjoy two different stories about astronauts and outer space.  Both stories are biographies, and the kids will practice rereading, as well as identifying and solving problems.  To help bring some background knowledge, I’ve included several links to videos for the kids to watch regarding both stories.  I hope they give them a look!  The kids will practice adverbs and adjectives, as well as root words with their vocabulary.  I absolutely love both stories, and it kills me we aren’t in class together to enjoy them!

In math, the kids will wrap up word problems, and move on to new set of lessons about customary and metric measurement.  Both follow-up assignments this week are interactive with their Chromebook, so you won’t need to worry about printing any forms.

With the conclusion of Embryology, the kids will shift to Social Studies to end the year.  The first lesson set is about why a community needs goods and services.  A pretty timely set of lessons considering the state of our world at this point!

I have been really proud of the kids and their engagement during this time.  I know this is very trying for us all, but I think we’re enduring well!  Just a reminder, the kids should go to their “Reading” Google Classroom every day to see the “Job Board” posted for that day’s lessons.  Everything there should be pretty self-explanatory, regarding what they should be doing each day.

However, I have had some parents ask for a more specific checklist of weekly work.  So, under the “Remote Learning” tab of the class web page, I will insert a more detailed list of weekly assignments.  This new list will hopefully give you a better, more specific list for each day.  Ideally, it will make your life easier to manage!

Just a reminder that we will have another Zoom Class Meeting and Reading Rainbow Watch Party this Friday at 12:00.  The class code is still the same: 526-181-3917, so I hope everyone can join us!

Thanks for reading, and thank you for everything you continue to do during this crazy time.  Take care and stay safe!

Eric Wachter

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