Calming and Fidgeting Strategies

My students who struggle with anxiety or keeping their hands to themselves are taught calming and/or fidgeting strategies. If they decide that the strategies are helpful to them, they are given a visual reminder to access the strategy when needed. I will start posting the strategies, along with the visuals, so that you can support your student at home. They will be listed under the heading, Strategies for Calming and Fidgeting.

Thanks for your support!

Mrs. Michalski

Happy Spring!

We are finishing the Boys Town Social Skills lessons for the year! Next week will be the final skill, Using an Appropriate Voice Tone. For the remainder of the year, we will review previously taught skills and practice using our calming strategies.

This has been a wonderful year full of growth and surprises for me. I am starting to feel like a SHARK!

Happy Spring!

Boys Town Social Skills Update

We have learned half of the Boys Town Social Skills for the school year! This week we are learning a skill that many adults struggle with ~ACCEPTING COMPLIMENTS!

Until Christmas break, we are going to focus on:
1) Teaching each other our favorite coping strategy
2) Completing activities that focus on following directions
3) Moving on after an apology

The focus is always on having conversations that form positive relationships. Students will receive positive feedback for using the skills. Here is a link for more information on the Boys Town Model. For extra practice after the skills have been taught, check here.

New Shark Here!

Hello Sharks!

I am looking forward to getting to know the Sheridan community this year! Over the summer, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a few of the staff members and they have been delightful! I’ve also been busy moving in to room 103, attending Boys Town Training, BIP and FBA training, Anita Archer and even took a class at UNL called Math as a Second Language (800T). Did I mention the surgery and trip to Colorado? I enjoyed many bike rides and time with my kids. Three of them are in college and one is in high school. All summer I have been excited to begin at Sheridan! I hope you had a wonderful summer break.

See you soon!

Mrs. Michalski