Engaging Every Student Every Day

Dawes Traffic Plan

Please see the following image for instructions on drop off/pick up to best utilize the space and maximize safety in front of our building. Thank you for your cooperation.

All school traffic will run west on Colfax Avenue during drop off and pick up times.

Point A

If you are driving to Dawes from 48th St. via Benton St. your will take a right (south) on North 49th St. and another right (east) on Benton St. until you get to 52nd St. You will take a left (north on 52nd St.) and finally a left onto Colfax Ave.

Point B

If you are turning on North 49th St. from Fremont St. you will take a right onto Benton St. until you get to 52nd St. You will take a left (north) on 52nd St. and a left (west) onto Colfax St.

Morning Drop Off

  1. 6th grade students are dropped off in front of the east entrance in the cut out (Area C). The drop off area is for parents to stop and let students out of their cars.
  2. 7th and 8th grade students are dropped off in front of the main entrance (Area D). The north curb is for drop off only. Do not park and exit your vehicle.
  3. All students walking or riding bikes to school will use crosswalks at the east and west ends of Colfax Avenue.

After School Pick Up (2:40-3:10 p.m.)

  1. Drivers waiting for students after school may park and wait on the north side of Colfax Ave. We request no parking on the south side of Colfax Ave. to allow for a steady flow to the west.
  2. All drivers are asked to exit to west using Colfax Ave.