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May 13 – 17

This was a big week for testing!  Students were all able to complete the unit 6, week 6 tests for grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and write their text dependent analysis.  Great job sixth graders!

On Monday, students found out their Quiz Bowl teams.  It has been fun to see the teams work so cooperatively as they study together!  The Quiz Bowl competition begins on Monday afternoon.

The library is still missing a lot of books, and so am I.  Please check at home to see if you have any books that might belong to either our library or me.  We would love to have them returned!

We start our rocket building project on Monday.  We are still looking for some 2 liter bottles.  If you have an empty bottle, we would love to make it into a rocket!  Rocket launching will be on Wednesday.

Students checked in their Chromebooks today.  They will be issued the same Chromebook when they return in August.

Just a reminder, students are not to bring their backpacks the last two days of school.  They can continue to use their lockers for phones, lunches, or jackets, but everything else will be taken home either Monday or Tuesday when students clean out their lockers.


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