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It’s Time for Book Reviews!

Students did a great job on their research topics!  They learned a lot about their topic and presented with confidence.  I was really impressed with the visuals that accompanied the presentations!  Fantastic work, sixth graders!

Now it’s time to write a a book review.  Students are to choose a book they truly enjoyed that is sixth grade reading level or above.  The book review will be a five paragraph paper.  The criteria for the book report and expert examples are on Google Classroom.

Literature groups will meet Thursday, Dec. 14.  The morning group is reading either Hatchet or Tall Tales.  The afternoon group is reading Bridge to Terabithia.  Both classes should complete the book.  To get full credit for the literature discussion, students need to have read the book, bring the book with them to group, and be prepared to discuss at least three different events from the story.

This week’s tests are on Unit 3, Week 4.  I hope everyone is having a great week!

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