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It’s Research Time!

Students are off to a great start with their research!  Our topic is Man-Made Wonders of the World.  Mrs. Westphalen and I are team teaching research.  We started on Oct. 19, the first day back after break.  This week we finished up with note taking.  On Monday students will learn how to make a cover page for their research project.  Tuesday the lesson will be on writing an introduction.  Wednesday we will practice turning questions into topic sentences and working on the body of the paper.  Thursday we will write our conclusions, and Friday students will finish up the typing of their research papers.

The following week, Nov.7 – 11 we will practice giving the oral presentations to the class.  Students will sign up for oral presentations and there will be 8 presentations a day for 4 days.  Students need to have a visual for their classmates to see as they give their presentation.  His could be a model, a poster, or a power point presentation.  If it is a power point, students should have between 3 and 6 slides.

Hopefully, this will be a great learning opportunity for students.  Maybe they will even get some ideas for their next travel destination.  I know every year I do!

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