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Quarter 1 Ends

Our service project for first quarter was a huge success.  Students from 6B donated over $900 dollars and then walked to Super Saver to buy food for the Food Bank of Lincoln.  They worked in teams to make wise choices that were both nutritious and good buys.  There were lots of great discussions as students filled their grocery cards. The pod is filled with sacks showing the students’ success.

The last day of the quarter is October 10.  There will be no school on October 13 and 14.  Quarter 2 will begin on October 15.

Testing after break will be on Thursday, October 16.  At that time we will take the Unit 2, Week 3, tests.  Literature groups will also begin on October 16.  We will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 22, and discuss pages 1-79.  On October 29, we will discuss pages 80 – 160.

Enjoy your Fall Break!

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