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10 rules for making good design

Garr Reynolds chooses ten easy to understand rules of design from the 20 presented in the book linked below.

10 design rules to keep in mind

  1. Communicate — don’t decorate.
  2. Speak with a visual voice.
  3. Use two typeface families maximum. OK, maybe three.
  4. Pick colors on purpose.
  5. If you can do it with less, then do it.
  6. Negative space is magical — create it, don’t just fill it up
  7. Treat the type as image, as though it’s just as important.
  8. Be universal; remember that it’s not about you.
  9. Be decisive. Do it on purpose — or don’t do it at all.
  10. Symmetry is the ultimate evil.

LINK: Presentation Zen: 10 rules for making good design.

BOOK: Twenty Rules for Making Good Design

Posted in Quotes.