
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool- This is our daily curriculum that is based on five fundamental principles. They guide practice and help us understand the reasons for intentionally setting up and operating preschool programs in particular ways. Through this curriculum we will do unit studies to help us gain competencies in all of our GOLD objectives. 

These are the principles:

  • Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning.
  • Social–emotional competence is a significant factor in school success.
  • Constructive, purposeful play supports essential learning.
  • The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions.
  • Teacher–family partnerships promote development and learning.

Second Steps – The curriculum helps us learn and practice social-emotional skills.  The three major units of the program are Empathy Training, Emotion Management and Problem Solving. Check out the website for this program. The link is on the right side of our site. You can use the activation code from the first parent letter I send home.

Child Protection Unit – This curriculum focuses on teaching children basic skills designed to help them keep safe from dangerous or abusive situations. Check out the Second Steps website for this program. The link is on the right side of our site. Use activation key: CPUE FAMI LYGE to access great information. See below for the units we will cover…

Personal Safety. Children will learn important safety rules, such as safety with guns, sharp tools, and fire, and when riding on wheels or in cars. They will learn ways to help them decide if something is safe or not and what to do if they get lost.
Touching Safety. Children will learn about safe, unsafe, and unwanted touches, and rules about touching private body parts. They’ll also learn to say no to unsafe or unwanted touches, and to tell a grown-up if someone breaks rules about touching private body parts. Knowing the correct names for private body parts helps your child be understood when reporting. Terms used in this unit include: penis and buttocks/bottom for boys, and vagina, breasts and buttocks/bottom for girls.
Assertiveness. These lessons will also give children a chance to practice asking a grown-up for help, telling a grown-up about an unsafe situation, and being assertive to get out of unsafe situations.