Home » Expectations of Participants, Spectators, and Coaches

Expectations of Participants, Spectators, and Coaches

Expectations of Participants, Coaches, & Spectators:
*Parents are reminded that Saturday morning activities are open only to those students who are participating in the activity.
*Family members are encouraged to attend these events to support students who are involved.
*Due to space limitations, non-participating students are not welcome to attend events at their home school or at other Lincoln Public Middle Schools.
*Food & Beverages are not allowed in the gyms.
*Exhibit only positive verbal and non-verbal gestures toward the activity.
*Refrain from using abusive or inappropriate language.
*Demonstrate an accceptance of all participants regardless of skill level.
*Maintain a proper perspective of losing and winning.
*Model appropriate behavior toward game officials.
*Encourage behaviors that bring credit to you, your child, your community and your school.
*Let the athletes play.
*Let the coaches coach.
*All school rules still apply.

2021-2022 Middle School Athletic Event Protocols link below:

2021-2022 Middle School Athletic Event Protocols – Google Docs