Bryan Community Focus Program
Ensuring all students will achieve the necessary learning to be successful up to and beyond graduation

Bryan Attendance Process

Attendance Expectations at Bryan

Support service teams at Bryan were created to work with students regarding attendance or grades on a regular basis to ensure academic success. The team meets weekly to discuss student progress. Attendance data is studied on a daily basis while academic updates are obtained weekly. This work is critical to the overall success of our students in fulfilling their graduation requirements.

Developing and maintaining regular attendance is one of the most important steps to becoming a successful student.  When a student is not in school, the possibility of learning the classroom objectives is significantly reduced.Circumstances such as illness, court dates, school activities, bereavement or maternity leave are acceptable reasons not to be in school. Students must bring verification from their physician or from the court system to document absences.

Students will be referred to the Student Involvement Technician when they have 4 unexcused absences in any one class within any one quarter. Students will work with the Student Involvement Technician to create a plan for improving their attendance and be asked to serve a 30 minute detention. If a student reaches 5 unexcused absences in any one class within any one quarter, the student will be referred to an administrator and additional consequences will be given. Students will also be referred to the Lancaster County Attorney if they reach 20 absences in one school year.

Tardy Policy

5TH TARDY: 30 minutes after school detention
10th TARDY: 30 minutes after school detention;referral to Student Involvement Technician; parent contact
15th TARDY: Two 30 minute detentions;referral to Administrator; parent contact
20th TARDY: Half day ISS; referral to Administrator; parent contact
25th TARDY: All day ISS; referral to Administrator; parent contact
30th TARDY: OSS until parent meeting can be held