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7th – D’light Singers

Students will receive a weekly grade–Rehearsal Skills–as it reads on Pinnacle. Each student receives 25 points a week.  They will only lose points if there are problems, i.e. not giving 100% effort in class, interrupting, not paying attention, talking during instruction, etc.  There will be a letter grade according to how many points they receive.  Attendance at performances are MANDATORY and will be graded.  They are 40% of the grade but, I feel all the preparation that leads up to these performances are MOST important.

During each week, I will assess each student in class with these behaviors in mind:

Listens to and follows directions

Is actively involved in class activities

Strives for quality work

Shows a drive to improve vocal and performance skills

Is on time and prepared for class

Demonstrates  a positive attitude toward self and others

Demonstrates responsible decision making

Interacts with others appropriately

Accepts consequences for actions


QUIZZES are graded based on the Lux Grading Scale:

A – 90-100%

B+ – 85-89%

B – 80-84%

C+ – 75-79%

C – 70-74%

D+ – 65-69%

D -60-64%

F – 59% and below

*Students may retake a quiz ONCE if they receive an ‘N’…and this may only occur within ONE week of the given quiz.