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February 7, 2019 Thursday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up – using current vocabulary – answering questions, describing items, conjugating in the preterit.
  2. Video clip and question using the “how long ago….” structure – preterit.
  3. Video clip – vocab and grammar – paused and discussed grammatical structures. Market vocabulary activity – similar to section of quiz tomorrow.
  4. Practice with phrases and ustem verbs – posted on classroom so can use to study for quiz.

Español 3

  1. warm-up – using vocabulary and future tense verbs. Discussed with partner.
  2. Experiment video clip.
  3. Listening activity – fill in blank – song with future tense. Discussion comprehension – what’s the song about? Future tense practice and corrected answers.
  4. Finished por/para notes. Hands on activity with por/para phrases and partner.
  5. Quiz on Monday. Tomorrow will do more practice with vocab, future and por/para and talk about next weeks project so students can think about it over the weekend.

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