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December 3, 2018, Monday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up – review present tense regular verb endings. Reflexive pronouns and how to conjugate reflexive verbs and then practice.
  2. Speaking practice with present tense reflexive verbs. Review regular preterit verb endings and practice with preterit and reflexive verb routines.
  3. Notes – present progressive p. 124 and practice.
  4. Semester 1 Review packet passed out to each student. Students should start working on this – it will be checked for credit towards the end of next week. If students have completed pages done before then and would like to come in after school to check with the answer keys, they are welcome to do so. Written/speaking questions will be given out later this week.

Español 3

  1. Warm-up sentences using current vocabulary and tu commands – both affirmative and negative.
  2. Vocab practice – quizlet live.
  3. Quiz.
  4. Handout – Basic Questions – level 3 Semester 1 for students to prepare for written final – Thursday December 13. Grammar/vocab packet will be given out later this week.

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