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October 10, 2018 Wednesday

Español 2

Warm-up – choosing which vocabulary word doesn’t belong and then using them in sentences. Review and notes on question words. Intro to the preterite tense, brainstormed -ar verbs individually, with partner and as a class. Discussed word that indicate using the preterit, the specific time in the past. Notes on how to form the preterit tense and sentences using on notes on vocab sheet through visitar.

Español 3

Campfire Activity. Sang a song, listened to a spooky story, jokes, shared own stories and asked questions about the stories.

October 9, 2018

Español 2

Warm-up questions about vacations. Finished presenting and discussing new vocabulary.

Español 3

Warm-up questions about a camping trip, in preparation for vacation write. Listening activities – practice for test. Act 6 p. 38 and review Act. 1 p. 54. Writing 7-10 good level 3 Spanish sentences about a vacation using lots of current vocabulary. Students will share tomorrow in small groups at out campfire activity and turn them in for grading.

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