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Septermber 12, 2018 Wednesday

Español 2

We’ve been reviewing and practicing information from the previous year of Spanish study. There will be a test this Friday. Students have reviewed present tense verb conjugations, stem-changing and a few irregular verbs, like ir, ser, estar, hacer gustar. They’ve also practiced the following.

+ Identiy and describe people

+ talk about likes and dislikes

+ say where you and your friends go

+ describe how you and others feel

+ talk about what you and your friends do

Students have a vocab sheet with some notes and should also have notes and daily warm-ups. They have a couple handouts with review verbs and endings from last year. Students should be studying 15 minutes, 5 days a week from these materials, making flashcards if they need, come up with sentences, etc. We have a class set of textbooks in the classroom and the opportunity to check out a text to keep at home was offered to all students. Students are all expected to participate in class both in writing, by listening and speaking. All students are given the opportunity to use the language in class.  I posted a link to some online activities that go along with the textbook today. Any missing or incomplete work?  Complete it and come in after school by Thursday to check the answer key and get any questions answered. 

Español 3

There will be a test this Friday. Students have reviewed present tense verb conjugations, stem-changing and irregular verbs, gustar, encantar, how to talk about what makes them afraid, cry or smile. They’ve also practiced the following.

+ how to talk about themselves and their friends (and using ser and estar)

+ say what they know how to do (and the difference between saber and conocer and the personal a)

+ talking about places and people they know

+describing daily routine (using both reflexive and non-reflexive verbs)

+ making comparisons.

Students have a vocab sheet with some notes and should also have notes and warm-ups in the notebook. They have a couple handouts with review verbs and endings from last year. Students should be studying 15 minutes, 5 days a week from these materials, making flashcards if they need, come up with sentences, etc. We have a class set of textbooks in the classroom and the opportunity to check out a text to keep at home was offered to all students. Students are all expected to participate in class both in writing, by listening and speaking. All students are given the opportunity to use the language in class. Students created posters using current vocabulary and presented them in class earlier this week. We are using technology to record conversations with the Chromebooks this week and reviewing for Fridays test. I posted a link to some online activities that go along with the textbook today.  Any missing or incomplete work?  Complete it and come in after school by Thursday to check the answer key and get any questions answered.

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