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April 6, 2017 Thursday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up – weather in the imperfect. Points given for homework completion.
  2. Homework discussed.
  3. Talked about legends requirements that students will be writing next week so they can think ahead and get a new, unique idea and characters.
  4. Shared examples of the beginning of stories and then students practiced using an image. Shared and discussed in class.
  5. Finished “Goldilocks”
  6. Popo y Ixta Legend – watched clip and students were given a worksheet. started in class together and then students had time to work – complete as homework for tomorrow.

Español 3

  1. Warm-up – translating using extensivec vocab and subjunctive.
  2. Talked about test format. Test tomorrow.
  3. Listening activity and worksheet – comprehension and listening.
  4. Practice game.

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