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October 10, 2016 , Monday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up – reviewing question words.
  2. New partners and speaking activity.
  3. Intro to 1.2 vocabulary. Watched DVD intro and discussed. Filled out 3/4 of new vocab sheet…homework – finish filling out just the vocab.

Español 3

  1. Warm-up – basic questions using the preterite.
  2. Speaking with partner using the preterite about the weekend, homecoming, sports, etc. Practice with vocab with partner – quizzing each other.
  3. Reading – p. 52 – los mariposas. Authentic (short) video clip in Spanish.
  4. Listening practice Act 1 p. 54. Complete activities 2,3,4 on pages 54-55 for Thursday.
  5. Spoke about el cuento, brainstorming. All written for cuento will happen tomorrow in class. Stories to be shared on Wednesday.
  6. Test on Friday. Any missing work, have in by Thursday for credit, questions, etc.

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