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September 8, 2016 , Thursday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up – answering questions using conjugated regular verbs and vocabulary.
  2. Homework checked for completion and suggestions made and points given. Discussed homework answers for those who had it completed. Students are to make corrections as needed and keep to study. (Last acceptance for missing work will be next Thursday before the Test.)
  3. Two short in class readings with questions…the first one, alone with true/false questions. The second read with a partner aloud (with Maestra hearing) for a speaking point before started answering questions with partner. Collected. Will finish and discuss tomorrow in class.

Español 3

  1. Warm-up using stem-changing present tense verbs and previous vocabulary. Checked verb flashcards for those that chose to make them (conjugating and meaning of stem-changing verbs from pink sheet.)
  2. Practice with pink sheet stem-changing verb meanings with partner.
  3. Discussed “Juanes” reading, verb forms, figuring out meaning and answers to questions from yesterday.
  4. Hands on categorizing activity with stem-changing verb cards. Discussed meanings. White board practice with conjugating the stem-changing verbs.
  5. Quiz format and practice.

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