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September 7, 2016 Wednesday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up -questions using all the different grammar forms we’re reviewed thus far and vocabulary. Everyone answered a question for a speaking point.
  2. Verb forms for regular -ar,-er,-ir verbs on the board (notes from yesterday) and discussed again how to conjugate…drop the ending and add the correct ending for the subject.
  3. Listening practice..using the text that students read and discussed yesterday. pp. 22-23.
  4. Writing – Act 22 – in small groups and shared sentences (speaking pt.) that were written.
  5. Homework – discussed instructions and what the images were. Make sure to write complete sentences, adding something to finish the sentences.2-u-lp-pt-3-quehaces-tarea
  6. Upcoming….Test – Friday Sept 16 over all the material in Lección Preliminar.

Español 3

  1. warm-up – questions that allowed for a lot of variety and using previous knowledge and vocabulary…very open-ended. (Opportunity for speaking points.)
  2. Discussed the charts and categorizing that was started in class yesterday. Quiz will be over meaning and conjugations of the verbs that were highlighted last Friday. Quiz is Friday, flashcards due tomorrow.
  3. Practice verbs with partner and game to practice the stem-changing verbs.
  4. Reading (speaking pt.) and questions in pairs. (will continue discussing reading tomorrow.)

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