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September 1, 2016 Thursday

Español 2

  1. Warm-up questions discussed – question words, ir and place vocab,  gustar and vocab, feelings verbs and vocab. All of these will be covered on the quiz tomorrow. Emphasized that students are to work on warm-up as soon as they arrive to class, it is always information they have had previously either this year or last year. Students are to use their resources..their vocab list, prior knowledge, notes, in classroom texts and dictionaries, listen when Maestra gives “hints” at begin of class and/or asks “are there any questions?”. Then a student can ask their neighbor and then ask Maestra. Working with and thinking about the material is how to learn it better.
  2. Maestra went around to check that students had their vocabulary sheets filled out…it was assigned last Friday to be completed by Monday, points were given today. Practice with vocabulary as a class and with partner.
  3. Speaking practice with estar, tener and feelings vocabulary.
  4. Vocabulary practice with sentences and practice conjugating ir.
  5. Quiz tomorrow.

Español 3

  1. Homework checked for completion, points given. Warm-up questions discussed, saber and conocer, stem-changing verbs and vocabulary, reflexive verbs, phrase vocab…how to say something makes you laugh, afraid, cry, etc. All of this type of material will be on quiz tomorrow.
  2. Vocab practice with partner.
  3. White board practice…practiced things from homework, vocab, verb conjugation.
  4. Quiz tomorrow.

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