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September 8, 2015 Tuesday

Spanish 2

  1. Warm-up questions. Shared with partner. And some with class or Maestra. Test is on Friday. Any missing work for credit needs to be turned into the late folder on the table by the door by Thursday. Bring something to study or read after the test.
  2. Conversation tables – practice speaking with various partners.
  3. Speaking assessment work- making images on cards (no words) to use with speaking assessment. Will practice in class tomorrow with partner.
  4. Review for Test handed out and due Thursday. 2 LP repaso

Spanish 3

  1. warm-up – comparisons.
  2. Comparisons pp. 22-23, Act 19 listening and Act. 21 write in pairs and then discussed.
  3. Restaurant reviews.
  4. Missing work – due Thursday.
  5. Review due Thursday. pp 26-27. Act 2,3,4,5.
  6. Test Friday.

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