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March 6, 2015 Friday

Spanish 2

Test 4.2

Spanish 3


March 5, 2015 Thursday

Spanish 2

1. Listening practice using vocab, preterite and map. Review checked for complettion.

2. Speaking/Listening activity using Maps and Instructions (if not completed with this summative part then need to come in after school Thursday to complete)

3. Handout with test format. 4.2 Test Friday.

Spanish 3

3.2 Test.

March 4, 2015 Wednesday

Spanish 2

1. Warm-up – thinking about ways to use current and previous vocab in context. Homework returned for corrections to be made.

2. Telehistoria 3  and p. 234 culture reading – ancient sports.

3. Yellow verb review sheet discussed and practice conjugating preterite verbs, regular and irregular.

4. Time to finish writing instructions if didn’t complete as homework. Rubric discussed.

Spanish 3

1. Warm-up practice with subjunctive. Homework checked for completion.

2. Game to practice vocab and subjunctive.

3. Listening practice p. 186.

4. Practice with vocab and test format discussed.


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