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November 19, 2014 Wednesday

Spanish 2

Unit 2 Lesson 1 Test

Spanish 3

1. warm-up questions using 2.1 vocabulary.

2. Review and practice affirmative, informal commands with worksheet practice Act 1 and Act 2. Students self checked their notes with key on screen.

3. Notes – negative, informal commands. Practice with worksheet Act. 2.

4. White board practice with vocabulary and commands, both affirmative and negative.

November 18, 2014 Tuesday

Spanish 2

1. Warm-up and checked review worksheets that students worked on in class and were to finish for homework if incomplete. If incomplete, they were to write down answers to help study for test tomorrow.

2. Discussed format of Test.

3. Lab Practice with computers.

Spanish 3

1. warm-up and practice with vocabulary. Pronunciation, with partner and recall with images as a class.

2. Notes on informal, affirmative commands (this is review from previous years).

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