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September 8, 2014, Monday

Spanish 2

1. Warm-up. Flashcards review vocab used with ser and tener.

2. Speaking practice with conjugations.

3. Ir+ a + infinitive . P 26-27 – listening and reading practice. Listening questions. Further discussion of this structure, notes on p. 28 and practice with Act 27.

4. Practice asking and answering questions using correct structures and vocab.

5. Worksheet – Repaso de la lección pp. 30-31. Due Wednesday at the beginning of class. Any missing or late work is due then as well. Test on Thursday.

Spanish 3

1. Warm-up questions using comparisons. Review 2nd year vocab.

2. Text pp 20-21 – Comparisons – reading and discussion. Listening practice and discussion. More comparisons and notes pp22-23 Act 19, 20 and 21. Make sure you are comfortable with both comparisons of inequality and comparisons of equality.

3. Repaso – p26-27 Act 2 – 16 sentences( 2 for each). Act 3 – write the correct form of the verb. Act 4- 6 sentences, Act 5 – 4 sentences using comparisons.  Due Wednesday at the beginning of class. Test on Friday.

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