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September 3, 2014, Wednesday

Spanish 2

1. Review warm-up questions from first year. Discussed the verb Hacer .

2. Listening practice and writing. collected for points. Come in after school if absent to make up.

3. Reading – 2 with questions. Completed with a partner. Read aloud and then answered questions in Spanish. Collected for points. Come in after school to make up if absent,

4. Verb charts. Conjugate and define the following verbs correctly on chart. tener, ser, estar, ir, hacer, estudiar, pasar, leer, beber, escribir. Have completed before class tomorrow.

Spanish 3

1. warm-up questions. New seats.

2. Practice with tener, decir and venir.

3. Introduce to partner and complete speaking activity.

4. Notes – verbs. Discussed back of book and verbs that conjugate similarly.

5. Practice with white boards.

6. Homework with stem-changing verbs, Have complete by beginning of class tomorrow.3 – stemchang practice

STUDY for Quiz on FRIDAY. It is challenging!

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