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September 3, 2013 Tuesday

Spanish 1

1. Warm-up review of questions from last lección.

2. Talked about missing work/quizzes/tests and students need to come in Wed after school if missing any work. If don’t have homework on day it’s due will need to come in after school or be assigned to KS to complete work. Should be studying every night. Have to do a lot of memorization with Spanish.

3. page 30 – how each unit will look and discussion of Miami.

4. New vocab sheet and watched clip that goes with book and filled in.


Spanish 2

1. Warm-up review with ser and estar.

2. Talked about missing work/quizzes/tests and students need to come in Wed after school if missing any work. If don’t have homework on day it’s due will need to come in after school or be assigned to KS to complete work. Should be studying every night. Have to do a lot of memorization with Spanish. If struggling – access yr 1 online text. Come in and see me after school., etc.

3. Discussed quizzes, all D+ to F need to study alot more and come see me!!

4. ¿Qué haces? verb meanings and endings.

5. Tarea – ¿Qué haces? First part is infinitives, second part is answering the questions in complete Spanish sentences….conjugating the verbs!


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